Tim Nugent


The Structural Engineer who rides the waves and lives for the Point Break.

Professional Overview

Tim is a chartered civil engineer who graduated from Cambridge University with a master’s degree in civil and Structural Engineering. He has experience in design of road and rail bridges, as well as tender design for new bridge scheme and the assessment and strengthening of existing bridges. He is experienced in complex bridge analysis and has design experience to both the British Eurocodes and Australian AS 5100 Standards.

With more than four years of industry experience, Tim has collaborated extensively with clients and contractors across the UK, Rwanda, Bangladesh, and Australia. His expertise encompasses serving as the designer's representative on-site and offering comprehensive construction support.

Key Skills and Competencies

  • Structural engineering and analysis.

  • Assessment and design of bridges.

  • Tender design and bid support.

  • Project management,

  • Site support and representation.

  • Python and digital workflows - a key early adopter of digital design initiatives, including pioneering use of python throughout design calculations and helping to set up and develop a digital library initiative to help use of these equations.

Qualifications and Memberships

  • MEng in Civil and Structural Engineering, Cambridge University

  • BEng in Civil Engineering, Cambridge University

  • Chartered Civil Engineer with the Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE)


Ryan Dewar


Mr Bear